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Cornell University

COVID-19 Accessibility Information for Employees

Remote Work Guidelines

Due to the possible sudden and short-term nature of some remote work arrangements, the university may not be able to offer certain accommodations – for example, specific furnishings. When feasible, safe, and granted permission, an individual may transport disability accommodation related small, lightweight equipment home for the duration of a remote work arrangement (e.g. ergonomic keyboard, footstool, etc.). For guidance, contact Medical Leaves Administration at 607-255-1177 or [email protected].

Mental Wellbeing

It is important that we make efforts to care for our mental health every day. Get outdoors, have a virtual date with friends, dial a meditation, and possibly limit news consumption. It can also be helpful to speak with a mental health professional.

  • ENI Confidential Counseling Services | 1-800-327-2255
    Provides up to three visits at no cost to Cornell benefits-eligible employees and family members. Available 24/7.
  • Faculty and Staff Assistance Program | | [email protected] | 607-255-2673
    Provides confidential and free virtual consultations to benefits-eligible employees and their partners, and those concerned about a colleague.
  • Teletherapy |
    Cornell Aetna and Empire health insurance plans now cover telemedicine, including teletherapy. Visit the webpage for details about coverage options and information on how to locate a provider.
  • Advocacy Center of Tompkins County | | 607-277-5000 (24/7 hotline)
    Provides support for victims of domestic and/or sexual violence.

Physical Wellbeing

Take steps (literally and figuratively!) to care for your body as you navigate changes in your work and home environments.

Family Life

If you are working remotely with spouses/partners, children, and/or other relatives present, support is available.

  • Cornell Parenting Newsletter
    Sign-up for this weekly newsletter to learn about upcoming virtual activities, get ideas for managing family life, and resources available.
  • Work/Life Consultations | [email protected] | 607-255-1917
    Contact Diane Bradac, Work/Life Consultant, for guidance about pregnancy, parenting, elder/adult care, and self-care.
  • Daily Story Hour
    Monday through Friday from 10-11am, join the Cornell Child Care Center teachers as they read to children. See details.
  • Care@Work by |
    Employees may find errand runners, dog walkers, babysitters, and other helpers. Please practice social distancing and prioritize the health and wellbeing of your family and caregivers in decision making about these services.
  • Additional Resources
    Staying in sync with your partner during COVID-19 (podcast)
    How to Help Teens Shelter in Place (article)

Living Independently

If you are living alone, consider how you will care for your mental and physical health as social distancing continues as well as ways to safety plan.

Ask yourself, do you have the appropriate contact information for your health providers and emergency contacts posted on your fridge? Are your important documents in order and does anyone know how to find them? If you have a pet and fall ill, do you have a plan for your pet’s wellbeing?

While it may be scary to plan for these situations, you may also find it reassuring to develop tangible solutions. If you need help with this, contact Diane Bradac, Work/Life Consultant, at [email protected] or 607-255-1917.

Pet & Home Care

  • Pets
    Many of our furry family members are thrilled to have their owners at home! The American Veterinary Medical Association offers the following guidance:
    “There is currently no evidence that pets can spread COVID-19 to other domestic animals or people. However, it is recommended that those with COVID-19 have another member of the household take care of walking, feeding, and playing with your pet. If you must care for your pet, wear a facemask; don’t share food, kiss, or hug them; and wash your hands before and after any contact.”
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension |
    Offers resources on food assistance, gardening, finances
  • Additional Resources:
    Care@Work by – hire a pet sitter/walker if needed
    Food Safety Recommendations (CALS)
    Grocery & Meal Delivery Options

Helping Others